Also known as storytelling to generate sales.

Increase sales of single cans of wine.
STRATEGY. Get more people to notice the retail display of delicious cans of wine by disrupting the physical space and the customer's imaginations by presenting the "single" cans of wine as personal ads for singles who are dating. We cleverly wrote content to pitch each can of wine as if it were a single person looking for a mate. We posted signs and a menu for customers to peruse and get excited about the wines, encouraging them to ask questions and thereby stimulate sales. RESULTS.
Sales increased and we generated new returning customers. Single cans of wine are now one of our best sellers.

This kind of tactic can work whether in a retail setting or even a business to business pitch. The point is to disrupt the physical space and people's imaginations. All of us are bombarded with messages all day long from multiple sources. Coupled with short attention spans (according to a study by Microsoft a few years ago, we have an attention span that is less than that of a goldfish), our job as marketers is to get people to notice. Remember the phrase "share of wallet?" We believe that has been replaced by "share of attention." Once you capture their attention, you need to make them FEEL something. That's the number one reason why people buy: because they FEEL something about you. Just by being courageous and clever, you show your customer how much you care about them. And when you do that, they care about you.