“If you just use this widget you'll make millions.” ― Click Bait B.S.
We have heard every gimmick in the book. And a lot of the time we help the walking wounded--small and medium sized businesses who've been taken advantage of and left in tatters. Gimmicks like these: Format: gimmick > truth
Create branded marketing content that drives sales! > good storytelling can drive sales, but it needs to be ON brand and truthful. All you need is the yellow pages and your phone will ring > uh, yellow pages? Yes it's true ... back in 1983 SEO will put you on the first page of Google > biggest B.S. statement in the world. Great content will put you on the first page and it's complicated. I can get you listed with Alexa and Siri > SCAM. If you have a Google My Business local listing and a Bing for Business local listing you automatically are searchable via Siri and Alexa. If you give me your email I'll send you my secrets > no need anymore. We can retarget folks without asking for their emails. I can land you a bunch of publicity and your phone will ring off the hook > partially true. PR can cause the phone to ring for 24 hours after a story but marketing is a marathon not a sprint. And PR is truly to establish your credibility and believability. Our ads will make you money! > uh...maybe if people know your company. Advertising and Marketing ARE NOT SALES. Repeat after me, advertising and marketing ARE NOT SALES. Why pay a professional when you can do it yourself (after you spend $50 bucks on my secrets) > SCAM. Like the entire marketing industry is unnecessary? Uh...okay.
The truth is marketing is at once simple : brand it, tell the truth, make it beautiful and amazing but also it's very complicated. Want to know more? Schedule a totally free half hour consultation. We set aside two hours every Friday to meet new people. If you want results, hire a professional --- but make sure they know what they are doing and have the reputation to back it up.
Find out why the Felice Agency is your BEST choice Top 10 PR Firms - Ranking Arizona Top 10 Advertising Agencies - Ranking Arizona No. 2 - Top LGBT Businesses - Phoenix Business Journal 20 Names to Know in Marketing & Advertising - Phoenix Business Journal Top 50 PR Firms - Phoenix Business Journal Top 40 Ad Agencies - Phoenix Business Journal Top 15 Ad Agencies - UpCity Top 5 PR Firms - Runrex.com Top 10 Marketing Firms - Clutch.co "One of the best CMO's I've ever met." - E.M, J.D. Power & Associates
